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#WeStandBYyou #StandWithBelarus

After the falsified elections on August 9, 2020, Belarus experienced a large-scale wave of protests, which became the largest in the last 30 years and were suppressed by law enforcement agencies. The situation in Belarus has become even more deplorable since the beginning of Russia's military aggression in Ukraine. Lukashenko's authorities persecute anyone who speaks out against the war or criticizes their actions. As a result, 1502 political prisoners, including 44 trade union activists and leaders of democratic trade unions, are in Belarusian prisons and camps.

Today marks 3 years anniversary of the falsified president election. After the protest movement faded, a massive crackdown by the dictatorial regime began. Over the past two years, more than 50,000 people have been arrested or detained. Thirteen deaths have been reported. More than 5,000 criminal cases have been opened. At the moment about 1,500 people are recognized as political prisoners and are in detention. Thousands have already served their arrest terms and have been released from prisons and camps. Over the past few years, almost 500 thousand citizens were forced to leave Belarus.

Organizations, parties and trade unions that do not share the views of the ruling regime are banned in the country. Brutal arrests and humiliation of Belarusian citizens who do not support Lukashenko and his regime take place on a daily basis.

The Lukashenko regime has continued the persecution of trade unionists, imprisoning several union leaders and staff in recent months and liquidating trade unions. Since the raids in 2021April 2022 against the unions that received the Arthur Svensson Prize the year before, the government has continued to carry out a series of trials against trade unionists, with several having already received long-term prison sentences. The government continues adding activists and leaders of the democratic trade union movement to lists of extremists and terrorists.

In the light of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine, Belarusian events have faded into the background, but we must not forget the crimes committed by Lukashenko and his entourage over the past 30 years. We will also not forget about those who have become hostages of the regime – those who are daily bullied and humiliated in prisons, deprived of work, forced to leave the country.

On the anniversary of the elections of August 9, 2020, we join the call on Belarusians and the entire world community to join the International Day of Solidarity with Belarus and show your support. We call on everyone who shares our concern to join the protest and remind the world and the dictator: "We remember!"


Committee secretary


Espen Løken

Espen Løken has been secretary for the prize committee since the prize was established in 2010. He is international advisor in the union "Styrke", responsible for the Arthur Svensson prize. 

Forbundet Styrke

Torggata 15, 0181 Oslo

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